Capital raise, JV and M&A services

For businesses seeking funding or considering a JV or M&A.

Pitch better. Plan smarter. Due diligence deeper. This suite of services is for businesses seeking capital through funding, joint ventures, or mergers and acquisitions.

Refine your messaging for investors

Get cut through with the investor community with stronger IM messaging and investor presentations.

Funders are overwhelmed with options , so companies looking to raise pre-seed, seed, or series A funding need a killer proposition to cut through the noise. Make your pitch stand out with an Information Memorandum and investor deck that makes your value proposition clear, memorable, and aligned to potential investors’ needs.

“Each and every time I work with Andy, the outcome is better than I expected.”

— Michelle Van Gaalen, Managing Director, Smith & Smith

Pre JV partnership alignment

Joint ventures and mergers are not for the faint hearted. Most fail. Only 30% succeed. Give yourself the best chance of success by bringing your future partners together to identify your best future business model.

Alignment workshops for companies exploring joint ventures or formal partnerships help you explore the future strategic value of your collaboration and develop a future business model that’s a defendable asset.

“Andy looks at us as a value chain and looks at where we can add value as a business. That ability to observe at a really high level and then be able to drop down to actionable pieces of work is very valuable for me.”

— Tim Saunders, GM Headwaters NZ

ID hidden value in an acquisition

Traditional due diligence reports only document how businesses operate today, they don't highlight strategic advantages and potential commercial opportunities that can create incremental value for you.

This M&A pre-diligence supports the evaluation of joint ventures, mergers, and acquisitions. Identify the hidden upside of a deal. Understand future potential, identify incremental revenue streams and new sources of market value.

This process is designed to run in parallel to normal due diligence, to provide a more insightful framework for final valuation and decision making.

“Andy gives founders and established companies the confidence to embark on their path to scale.”

— Candice Kinser, Board Director, CEO, Founder

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